What Is Keto Cycling? (Expert Dietician Answers)

By Keto Support
5 min read

In the past few years, the interest on the ketogenic diet has spiked up not only for individuals who are seeking to lose weight but also for the ones who would want to manage their blood sugar better. Most of the keto dieters have followed the standard ketogenic diet for weight loss. At the same time, some looked into other approaches like keto cycling to further modify and optimise their ketogenic lifestyle.

The standard ketogenic diet

Before delving into what keto cycle is, it is important to understand the mechanism of how the standard keto diet works. The typical keto diet is a modification of having an eating plan that is higher in fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate to induce the metabolic state of ketosis in which the body utilises fat as the fuel instead of the conventional glucose for energy production.

Typically the macronutrient ratio for the Standard Ketogenic diet is approximately 55 to 80% of total calories comes from fat, 10 to 35% from protein, and 5 to 10% from carbohydrates.

To achieve this, a strict keto diet limits the carbohydrate intake from 20 to 50 grams per day or about 5 to 10% of total calories per day.

The shift of fuel source for energy production also comes with a great modification in terms of choosing a healthy eating plan while trying to stick with the essentials of the keto diet.

How does keto cycling work

Keto cycling, also called carb cycling, the cyclical ketogenic diet, or keto cycling involves strategic periods of eating carbs. Unlike the standard keto diet, which involves only strict carbohydrate restriction, the keto cycling modifications between periods of strict keto and controlled carbohydrate intake.

Approaches to carb cycling

There are two ways to optimise the keto diet using keto cycling:

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD): This approach of following the keto diet most days of the week, typically 5 to 6 days, and then shifting to 1 or 2 carb refeeding days and consuming a higher amount of carbohydrates playing around 100g to 300g throughout the day. The inclusion of two higher carb days plays an important role in replenishing glycogen stores in the body and would possibly optimise burning fat during low carb days.

Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD): This approach follows consuming a small amount of fast-acting carbohydrates usually 20-30g during workout and physical activity days. The inclusion of carbohydrates during exercise or physical activity days will enhance the provision of energy for exercise without significantly impacting ketosis and will aid in recovery after exercising.

Benefits of carb cycling in a keto diet

The keto cycle offers these potential benefits to keto dieters similar to the standard keto diet but in a more sustainable phase compared to the typical keto diet

Enhanced Athletic Performance can be achieved by strategically providing glucose during workout days as there will be enough energy to be utilised in performing intense workouts.

Improved Muscle Recovery will also be the outcome if one includes carb-refeeding days as this allows proper replenishment of muscle glycogen which will then be used by the body in repairing muscles and tissues after workout days.

Sustainability can be more achieved compared to a strict keto eating pattern because it is much easier to maintain with the chance to include higher-carb food items that are usually restricted in a standard keto diet. This keto cycling approach is much easier to follow because of its flexibility without overindulging in carbohydrate-rich foods.

A few Psychological benefits of keto cycling include more satisfaction and enjoyment while still adhering to the keto diet by allowing the incorporation of some carbohydrate-rich foods now and then without the overwhelming feeling of derailing out of ketosis.

How to follow a keto cycling plan

A typical keto diet meal plan only includes only 5 to 10% of carbohydrates daily, which can be a little restrictive and harder to maintain in the long run. By modifying the traditional keto diet to keto cycling, one can be more at hand in providing the nutrients needed by the body daily especially during workout sessions.

It is also important to know that the effectiveness of keto cycling can vary from one person to another, these factors below should be considered first before shifting from a restrictive carbohydrate allowance to carb cycling.

  • Metabolic Rate
  • Daily Physical Activity Level
  • Insulin and Glucose sensitivity
  • Personal preferences
  • Ability to plan and prepare meals

The risk of overconsumption during the carb refeeding days is also higher, it is important to manage and monitor carb intake during the keto cycling days. One easy way to monitor carb intake during car refeeding days is using meal or macronutrient counting apps for easier tracking of carb intake.

To ensure adherence to the diet and still maintain weight loss, keto cycling healthy carbohydrates can be more beneficial in providing needed glucose for energy and essential nutrients for the body processes which can be limited during the low-carb days.

Here are some beneficial healthy foods to consider incorporating into your refeeding days:

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Oats
  • Quinoa
  • Black and Brown Rice
  • Fresh fruits such as apples, oranges, peaches, cantaloupe, figs, etc.,
  • Legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and kidney beans.
  • Root vegetables like carrots, beets, parsnips, and turnips
  • Whole-grain pasta and whole-grain bread
  • Dairy products such as yoghourt, milk, and kefir

Choosing these nutrient-dense food items during the refeeding days can not only provide needed energy for exercising but also support possible nutrient deficiencies and can improve immune function for overall well being. This can also be monitored using different calorie and nutrient tracking apps to ensure not to exceed the daily carbohydrate allotment.


The keto cycling or carb cycling can offer potential benefits like flexibility, satisfaction, and sustainability compared to the traditional keto diet which is a little restrictive. With the strategic approach of alternating higher carb days in between the low carb days, one can optimise and reap the benefits of the keto diet like weight loss, muscle preservation, and recovery and management of blood sugar levels. Before starting a diet modification, it is important to check with your health provider to be informed of what is more appropriate for you. 

*  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Written By Author

Joyceren Miyah Genobaña, Expert Dietician & Nutritionist

Reference List & Sources

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  6. Keto Cycling: How to Optimize the Ketogenic Diet and Avoid Common Mistakes

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